What is this all about?!

Dear community,

This message has been a draft for over a week now. Putting my mixed emotions together has been a struggle…but I feel it’s more important now than ever to speak my truth.

I’ve kept quiet through COVID, Black Lives Matter, riots outside of my home in New York City, elections, the war in Europe and now war in the Middle East.

I’ve felt conflicted and even embarrassed.

I’ve felt what I do is so insignificant. That encouraging you to come and support the women at Rosewood Theater, “celebrate the erotic” with us and be entertained is not where I should be putting my energy. How dare I ask for your attention.

And then I remembered when we re-opened Rosewood Theater after COVID, we had customers and models returning and enthusiastically sharing with us…

  • “I feel more at home here (Rosewood) then my own home”

  • “you’ve saved my marriage”

  • “this is the first time I’ve left my house”

  • “it feels so good to be social again”

So I ask myself, isn’t this what it’s all about?

To share in laughter, sorrow, exploration, and celebration together in community. To exchange eye contact, warm embraces and stories. This human connection brings life to our lives. Without this human connection, I wonder what would happen.

I am proud of our connected Die Happy Tonight community.  A community made up of all colors, all religions and spiritual practices, all political parties, all sexual orientations. All coming together to love and celebrate each other - even with all of our differences and through the hard times.

Maybe behind our differences we all share the same needs, desires and fate.  

Maybe the world would benefit from more safe places, where we can express our authentic selves with no judgement.

Maybe if we feared less and loved more all the suffering we are all experiencing would go away.

I don’t know.

What I do know is that I appreciate you. I appreciate you for continuing to show up. I appreciate your courage, strength and love during these challenging times. I will continue to show up for all of you for as long as I can.


Die Happy Tonight, Founder and Co-Owner

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