Model Loyalty Membership
Model Loyalty Membership
If you’re a regular at Rosewood, this membership is the smartest investment you can make.
Model Loyalty Membership is reserved for just 25 Black Card models per month, offering unlimited complimentary entry to all Rosewood Theater events for 30 days from the date of purchase. Membership activates immediately and cannot be paused. Only available until sold out each month.
For those seeking year-round complimentary access and huge savings, we offer just ten (10) Annual Loyalty Memberships at $3,500 per year. These are by invitation only and require Management approval before purchase. Interested? Speak with a Manager to get approval before you make purchase to secure your spot before it’s gone.
Why Purchase a Loyalty Membership?
If you attend eight nights per month, the Loyalty Membership pays for itself—and then some.
Example of Savings
Arrive later in the night when more guests are there, saving you over two hours per night.
Attend only seven nights at $120 per night = $840. Membership pays for itself.
Attend up to 20 nights per month (5 events per week) and save $1,600+ in admission fees.
For Annual Membership, you have access to 250 events per year. If you worked 1/3 of them (86) or 1.5 events per week at $120 per event you’d normally pay $10,320, which is a savings of $6,820 for the year! Use a credit card to make purchase and pay over time - or - ask one of your generous clients.