Collective Quarter Life Crisis
Dear Diary,
Why don’t I just become an e-girl and make stupid videos on Tik Tok? Or I could get an Onlyfans account and make middle grade porn. We both know I’m not going to do either of those things.
I did decide to book that vacation I was talking about. It might be a welcome change from laying around and feeling sorry for myself. Oh! Have you ever noticed how hard it is to feel bad for yourself when your friend is having a hard time? Recently it feels like I’m walking on eggshells as I speak—I don’t want to complain when my life is objectively better than almost everyone else’s. So...why are we all so miserable? Is this a collective quarter life crisis?
Who knows? Maybe a nice trip where I can lay under the Costa Rican sun will do me some good. I’ll be back next week to give you an update.