Dear Diary,
I can’t believe how amazing my life is going. My job is great, my boyfriend is wonderful, and I can’t imagine living anywhere else. Maybe I’ll stay in NYC forever! My relationship with my parents is better than—lol, I can’t even finish that sentence.
Everything is shit. My job is shit, my friends fucking suck, and I hate my stupid apartment. It’s so gaudy and it reminds me of everything I hate about myself. I really want to get away, maybe take a vacation with the one person in my life who I can be myself around...but it feels like that person changes by the week. Lately I’ve been feeling like I can’t be comfortable around anyone; it’s like I don’t belong anywhere.
In any case, it’s not like I could take a vacation even if I had someone to come with me. I’m busy at work and Rosewood is crazy as ever. The money is good, but I haven’t had time to think.
Will it ever end?