Love begins with You.


It’s the most powerful love I’ve ever experienced. I feel enthralled each moment I am with her. I am enamored by her intelligence. She somehow knows exactly what I need at the exact right moment. Sometimes she ignores it, sometimes she chooses not to see the signs, but I know this is out of fear and not lack of care. But when we are aligned, it’s magnetic, it’s a serene sense of knowing unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. She tells me all the right things and forces me to be still and to breathe when I forget to or when I am over thinking. She allows me to just be me, no judgment, no criticism. Yet she forces me to grow, encourages me to be the best version of myself. She helps me shed the layers. The layers beneath which I’ve hidden my heart, my soul, the love I have to give. Which now I know is infinite. There is no one else like her and no one else id rather be. Love begins with you, love begins with me. I am my greatest advocate, my most sincere lover, my best friend. I am everything I could have asked for and nothing I expected. 

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